
Leadership is all about team effort

Being a Form Six student has changed my life. There is a lot to do and learn. But these new challenges have given me the chance to work together with other students.

I had always considered myself a bad leader because I never trusted anyone to do a job well. I would do everything myself.

Last month, I went to a talk by a doctor who said a leader should build a team, not a person. This inspired me and I applied it to my next task - preparing a morning assembly. And it worked out very well.

The feedback on the presentation was good, and I realised I was happier sharing the workload and the good results.

It doesn't matter if you're not a strong leader. What you need is the ability to delegate.

Nic Leung

From the Editor

Thanks for your letter, Nic. It seems you learned a valuable lesson in team leadership. It's not about your personal ability to perform a task, but about your ability to get others to perform tasks to the best of their ability. A leader needs to give direction and keep in mind the bigger picture.

If a leader is bogged down in the minute details of each task, there will be sacrifices in other areas of the project.

If we think about a team as an orchestra, and the leader as the conductor, you can see how silly it would be for the conductor to suddenly start playing the flute. What does the rest of the orchestra do while the conductor is playing the flute?

Susan, Editor
