
Your turn to speak out

Our recently launched forum is proving very popular. We have selected five of the best comments in response to 'The Hardest Decision to Make', an article on teenage pregnancy published in Young Post on March 23. The forum offers the chance to give us your views, voice your concerns and raise any questions, so make the most of it. Go to to check it out.

From Marco:

I think the problem [of teen pregnancies] is more and more serious. It is not only HK but also all over the world. Maybe it is because the pressure on youngsters is increasing - perhaps the pressure caused by studies, family expectations and so on. However, it is not a suitable way to react. As youngsters, we should learn to act appropriately. It is our responsibility to take care.

From Elaine:

I think teenage girls having babies is very bad. Why they don't do good things? Having a baby so young is definitely not good!

From Denise Chung Siu-han:

The 14-year-old mother puzzled me a lot. I am a traditional Chinese girl. It's difficult to accept premarital pregnancy or having baby before 18.

In fact, the mother isn't even able to take care of the baby.

She has to sacrifice her studies, leisure time, and even health.

She is not mature enough to teach a baby and this can bring a lot of trouble to the mother's mother. Many parents think this is insulting to their family. Her parents may feel annoyed to have an unexpected baby born to their daughter.

However, I think it's brave of her to give birth. Her boyfriend was irresponsible and left her to face the consequences alone. I hope Mother's Choice can help her.

Netizens always blame the girl, saying she is stupid or immature. But they are members of society. Why don't they do something more meaningful than just blaming the girl?

We should all work to raise awareness of the problem of premarital pregnancy. Then the next generation will have a more responsible attitude towards pregnancy.

From Ali:

There is a conspicuous decrease in moral standards in Hong Kong. You now see teenage couples hugging and kissing everywhere. It has not only made the couples themselves look indecent, but has also brought inconvenience to the public. It's so embarrassing! There should be more education for teenagers to teach them to manage their love affairs and their attitude towards sex.

From PYC:

I truly agree with what Denise Chung said. Being younger than 18 is not a good time for girls to take care of a baby. How can a teenager with a low level of education earn a living? A baby growing up in an unhealthy environment usually dies quickly. Therefore, I think the government or some organisation should encourage those young mothers not to give birth.
