
Away We Go (DVD)

Sunny Tse

Just six months after the dark Revolutionary Road, Oscar-winning director Sam Mendes gives us the story of another young, confused couple in Away We Go. And it is very different. With a script by renowned author Dave Eggers and his wife Vendela Vida, this is a delightful, heart-warming semi-autobiography that knits comedic and touching twists.

Burt (John Krasinski) and Verona (Maya Rudolph) are expecting a baby. Not knowing where they truly belong, the couple embarks on a journey visiting relatives and friends in the hopes of finding the perfect place to raise the child. They meet various families - dysfunctional, multi-national, broken - and realise the best homes are based on simple things like love and trust.

Mendes captures the anxiety the couple feels about their future. The absence of an obvious climax might be a minor flaw, but it makes the story more realistic. Experienced comedians Krasinski (The Office) and Rudolph (SNL) know how to get laughs, but what's pleasantly surprising is how natural and unpretentious they are in this film. There's an acoustic soundtrack by singer-songwriter Alexi Murdoch.
