
Schedules can help ensure good results

I recently read a book called To be a Top-Flight Student. The book talks about a wide variety of study methods and exam skills. I think these skills are really useful, especially for Form Five students. They can help us to prepare well for public exams.

The book teaches readers to plan a revision schedule. It reminds us not to study one subject for too long, and to include some breaks. Otherwise you are likely to fall asleep.

It also gives advice on how to concentrate during revision. You should remove anything distracting from your room. It is important to get enough sleep, too, otherwise you won't be able to concentrate.

If we follow these tips, all we have to do is work very hard, and then we will get good exam results. We can all be top-flight students.

Jimmy Lam, Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College

From the Editor

Thank you for your letter, Jimmy. An effective revision schedule, which includes sufficient sleep, exercise and relaxation, is very important if you want to do well in your exams.

But while it is admirable to want to be a 'top-flight' student, I think in Hong Kong there is often too much emphasis put on pure academic achievement. Of course exam results are very important. For example, they affect whether or not you can go to university.

But results alone cannot help you feel fulfilled as a person. As well as working hard on your maths and history, you should spend time on extra-curricular activities, such as sport, music and art, so you develop other skills.

It is also very important to spend quality time with your family and friends and remember how important they are.

Being a top-flight student is great, but it's even more important to be a top-flight person.

Karly, Sub-editor
