
Let's keep uniforms

I am writing in response to the article 'Uniform rule is wearing thin' (Young Post, March 3). I don't agree that students should not wear school uniforms.

Uniforms represent unity within a group. If casual wear is allowed at school, every student will wear something different. They wouldn't look like they belonged to one group.

Thousands of students go to school every day, and the easiest way to identify them is by their uniforms. If strangers or thieves entered the school, it would be obvious they didn't belong.

What's more, uniforms represent the schools, so the public can easily recognise which school students come from. Whether students are appearing at an award ceremony or behaving badly, the public will know which school to congratulate or complain to.

I also think students are more disciplined when they are wearing uniforms. Their behaviour directly affects the school's reputation and image. I think when they're wearing uniforms, they tend to behave better.

Angela Ho, Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School

From the Editor

Thank you for your letter, Angela. It seems this uniform debate is never going to end. Believe it or not, we were arguing it in my day. School uniforms look nice. Youths are encouraged to take pride in what they are wearing and to conform to a certain level of neatness. Once that one rule is taken away, the lines of dress code become very blurred.

Then it becomes a matter of rules, rules and more rules. A dress considered too short this year might be acceptable next year. Bikini tops might be in this year, or it might be the fashion to wear your pants halfway down your knees. What a headache. What do our other readers think?

Susan, Editor
