
The Jewish tradition

When Jewish boys turn 13 (12 for girls), they have to take responsibility for their actions and they become a Bar (for boys) or Bat (for girls) Mitzvah. Before this, the parents are held responsible for their children's faith to Jewish law and traditions. But, after the celebration, the young people are responsible for their own actions. They can own personal property and are allowed to participate in the community.

No actual ceremony takes place. A Jewish boy, for example, becomes a Bar Mitzvah automatically upon turning 13. But, centuries ago, the young man would be called on to read the Torah on the Monday, Thursday or Sunday after his birthday. Even today, Bar Mitzvah boys will sometimes lead a prayer service and the family will have a festive meal. Boys will often give a speech during the meal.

Some Jews celebrate a girl's coming of age the same way. But traditional Jews think that women should not publicly read from the Torah.
