
On the shelf

Fresh yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit, is difficult to find in Hong Kong, so I was happy to come across Nagaikimura dry yuzu peel at City'super (Times Square, Causeway Bay, tel: 2506 2888). The fruit has little juice and is enjoyed primarily for its fragrant peel. The dehydrated version is easy to use; soak it in warm water for about 15 minutes, then use as you would fresh yuzu. The soaking liquid will be yuzu-infused and can be added to the dish you're making. It costs HK$26 for 15 grams.

J's Gourmet truffle pesto needs a bit of a boost as the truffle flavour fades quickly. As the label suggests, I mixed some of the truffle pesto with pasta. Then I added a few drops of black truffle oil and - to make it even better - mixed in an onsen egg with a soft, runny yolk, which did a great job of blending all the flavours. The pesto is HK$85 for 170 grams from J's Garden (57 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, tel: 2851 3322).
