
Beautiful people set to relax

NO sooner was the Miss Universe contest in Manila over than many of the people involved in the organisation of the event hopped on planes to get over to Hong Kong for rest and recreation.

We caught up last night with Jack Wishard who was the supervising TV producer for the pageant which went out at the unholy hour (for the girls at least!) of 8 am so as to be zooming into American homes at the prime time of 8 pm.

Which makes it hardly surprising that Miss India won, since she's on record as saying long before the finals that she's at her best in the morning.

Dining with Wishard and his wife Pamela last night was Chinese-American actress Beulah Quo who was one of the judges at the contest.

She's stopped over here with her husband while en route to China to check out the birthplace of her father.
