
Neets get hand from mum and dad

As the cost of living soars, many youngsters find it hard to support themselves and turn to their parents for financial help.

They are called the 'Neet' - Not in Education, Employment, or Training - generation; young people who live off their parents.

The 2010 Blue Book of Guangzhou Youth Development says about 35 per cent of youngsters in the city cannot make ends meet and are likely to become Neets.

Wen Jia, 24, who graduated from university last year, hoped to become a civil servant but turned into a Neet.

After failing the civil service entrance examination, she went to work for a private company but quit a few months later because of the low pay and lack of prospects.

'My salary was so low I could hardly afford my living expenses, let alone relieve my parents' financial burden. My average [monthly] pay was about 1,200 yuan (HK$1,423), not enough to pay my rent,' she says.

'I could never save and had to borrow money from my parents. I would rather not depend on my parents, but the stress of having to support myself suffocates me.'

Zhang Liang, also a 2010 graduate, feels the same way.

After graduating from a technical institute with an associate degree, he became a maintenance worker. The workload was heavy, but the salary was only 1,000 yuan.

'It was a tough job, and I found it boring, so I quit,' he says.

Now he stays at home.

'My low educational level prevents me from finding a good job. Without decent work, I would rather live at home for a while,' he says.

Zhang's mother has no choice but to keep supporting him.

'We cannot do anything even though he is reluctant to work,' she says. 'Fortunately, our family does not have financial problems and is able to support him.'

Even those who earn a good salary are getting help from parents. As a security analyst, Dong Baoqi is paid 5,000 yuan per month. His parents bought him his house.

'Nowadays, housing prices are rocketing beyond the reach of our salaries,' Dong, 29, says.

Dong's father is quite well off and decided to buy a new house for his son as soon as he graduated.

'We do hope our son can have a nice place to build a family of his own,' he says. 'Since we can afford it, why not give him the financial support?'
