
liberal studies

Reading comprehension

Answer the following questions

1. Which of the following is not true about the Central Market?

a. It was granted a historical building status.

b. It was built in the past decade.

c. It was closed down in 2003.

d. It is part of the government's conservation plan.

2. Which of these features did the public most want based on the survey last year?

a. green areas and arts and cultural venues

b. a mega shopping mall

c. a swimming pool

d. a dining area featuring international cuisine

3. Which of the four proposed designs emphasises a strong connection with the neighbouring areas of the Central Market?

a. Urban Cocoon

b. TFP Farrells

c. Central Gateway

d. UFO and the New Marketplace

4. Which of the four proposed designs features more green technology?

a. Urban Cocoon

b. TFP Farrells

c. Central Gateway

d. UFO and the New Marketplace

Think about

1 Which of the four designs represent Hong Kong's best characteristics? Explain your choice.

2 Some of the proposed designs make a drastic change to the building structure and outlook while others try to preserve these aspects. Which do you prefer and why?

3 AGD proposed a swimming pool in their design because there is none in Central. Do you like the idea? Why?

4 Pick three elements from the four proposals that should be included in the final design. Explain your choices.


1 Parents should not try to ____________ their ideas on their children. They should be allowed to find their way.

2 Lying down in a dark room can ____________ the severe headache caused by a migraine.

3 His irrational action was _____________ by a series of misunderstandings and wrong information provided by others.

4 The soccer star suffered a serious leg injury, but all signs now point to a full ___________.


Reading comprehension: 1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a

Vocabulary: 1. impose, 2. alleviate, 3. driven by, 4. recuperation
