
Li Po Chun student earns perfect IB score

A student at Li Po Chun United World College has received the perfect score of 45 in the International Baccalaureate diploma exam.

She is only the fifth Hong Kong student ever to have done so.

Christy Fung Yuen-ying, 18, plans to study economics at Princeton University in the state of New Jersey, and the funding will come from the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Overseas Studies and a Shelby Davis grant.

'I treasure this opportunity even more because I am not from a rich family, and I have worked hard for it,' Fung said.

Boarding life at Li Po Chun had helped. 'Since students live on campus, no travelling time is incurred,' she said. 'Classes end at 1pm, leaving our afternoons free.'

The multicultural environment had also been an eye-opener. 'I had three roommates and it was arranged so they were all from different countries,' she said.

'In local schools, it is about listening to the teacher and memorising everything he says, but IB emphasises critical thinking and the teachers encourage us to challenge them.'
