
Best Thesps

John Millen

Jodie, the secretary of Best Thesps amateur theatre company, is talking to Penny, who is interested in joining the group. Listen to their conversation and then answer the questions.

1 Has Penny done any acting before?

a. No. She has never appeared on a stage.

b. Yes. She did some acting when she was at school.

c. Yes. She has been a member of a rival amateur theatre group.

2 Who inspired Penny to take up acting?




3 Which part did Penny play in The Importance of Being Earnest?




4 Who was Oscar Wilde?

a. Penny's drama teacher

b. a character Penny played

c. a playwright

5 What does the word 'thespian' mean?

a. it's slang for 'actor'

b. it's a French word for 'film star'

c. it's an old-fashioned word for 'actor'

6 What else has Penny done to help in the production of school plays?




7 What does Penny want to do when she joins 'Best Thesps'?

a. she just wants to appear on stage

b. she wants to direct plays

c. she wants to have a hand in all aspects of a production

8 What sort of a commitment does Jodie want from Penny?

a. a willingness to get fully involved

b. some sort of monetary commitment

c. a willingness to devote a great deal of her spare time to Best Thesps

9 How often does the group usually meet when they are not rehearsing for a show?

a. twice a week

b. two evenings a month

c. every night of the week

10 Who sometimes visits the group?

a. directors from other theatres

b. American actors

c. lecturers

11 What is the group planning for next year?

a. visit America

b. the production of a big Broadway musical

c. a trip to a theatre in town

12 What is 'Broadway'?

a. a popular American drama

b. the theatre district in New York

c. the next Best Thesps production

13 Who has shown interest in what Best Thesps is planning for next year?

a. many people already

b. few people so far

c. nobody at all

14 How might Penny be able to help with the group's big plan?

a. she will be able to help them in booking travel

b. she might be able to sell tickets where she works

c. she promises to get them flight upgrades


1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. c, 8. c, 9. a, 10. c, 11. a, 12. b, 13. a, 14. a
