
Making a decision? No need to rush


March 21 - April 19

You are naturally energetic and impatient, so having to wait your turn doesn't come easily. This week, you'll get the chance to exercise those patience muscles! Clean things, reorganise your wardrobe, start a new project early or take some flowers to an elderly neighbour.

Whatever you do, don't sit around with a frown on your face.


April 20 - May 20

Just when you thought it was safe to go about your business, you're in the spotlight again - but in a good way. Your hard work and commitment are paying off. You might not see the rewards now, but rest assured, they are waiting in the wings. Keep doing what you're doing, as long as it is positive and hurts nobody, including yourself. You have tremendous talents.


May 21 - June 20

It may feel that time is speeding up and that you have too few hours in the day to accomplish everything. The beauty of life, though, is that you absolutely do have enough time, as long as you plan properly. Listen to what teachers and other wise people have told you for years: write lists, decide on your priorities and take things one step at a time. It's advice that works.


June 21 - July 22

Feeling a little unsure about yourself, another person or a new situation? Just smile and shrug off the worry, as there's nothing big to be concerned about. It's quite natural to be apprehensive or even nervous, no matter how trivial the situation. The trick, though, is to face that fear head on. Resolve to go through with something and feel the victory rush when you've done it.


July 23 - August 22

Get off your roller-coaster for just one minute and take stock of what you have already accomplished this year. In the midst of chaos, deadlines and other modern madness that life throws at us, we so easily forget how much we have achieved. Pat yourself on the back, and take a moment to revel in the sense of triumph you so richly deserve. Go on, say it: well done, me!


August 23 - September 22

People generally believe that Virgos run with their heads and not their hearts - but you have feelings, and so you can be hurt just as much by insults and arguments as others are. Be kind to yourself this week. There's negativity brewing around you; if you find yourself being knocked down or taken for granted, back off and go solo for a while. You don't need this nonsense now.


September 23 - October 22

What really matters at the end of the day? Fancy clothes, cool friends and top marks may be great, but they won't count much if you're not being true to yourself. Think carefully before creating relationships with the wrong people or things. They may be fun for a while, but be warned: if you're trying too hard and not being yourself, then the fun won't last.


October 23 - November 21

The world is your oyster, and yes, you are its pearl. Of course, that only holds true if you believe you're worth your weight in gold. And you are - especially now.

The past few months have been a time of tremendous personal growth. You may not see the results of that growth just yet, but in time, you will. Congratulations on being you.


November 22 - December 21

With several months to go until your next birthday, you might already be feeling in a party mood - but school-related stuff keeps dragging you down. Try to see the positives in this. You're happy, healthy and loved: many people on the planet are not. A little gratitude will dramatically change your attitude. And then suddenly, as if by magic, life will seem shiny and sunny again.


December 22 - January 19

When in doubt, talk it over. That's your motto this week. Things may be troubling you, and, being the practical type, you assume that you'll be able to sort it out on your own. Don't battle along without a friendly ally at your side.

Anything shared now will reap big benefits later - and answers to problems will be found much more quickly.


January 20 - February 18

Your world isn't going to be perfect this week, no matter how hard you try to make it so. And that's good news, actually, because a little challenge and conflict brings out the very best in you - if only you'd choose to believe in yourself. When faced with a problem, breathe deeply, smile and be quietly determined to sort it out. Remember, you can do it!


February 19 - March 20

It's easy to make the right decision when things are going well - but choosing the correct path when chaos or confusion surrounds you is more difficult. During these times, rely on your intuition and spend plenty of time observing rather than talking. Don't rush: sift through all the options and issues before deciding on the way forward. Trust yourself.
