Associated Press in Tokyo

Toshiba’s chief executive is stepping down to take responsibility for doctored books that inflated profits at the Japanese technology manufacturer by 151.8 billion yen (US$1.2 billion).


Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary on Thursday flatly denied a report in the Nikkei business daily newspaper that Pyongyang recently presented Tokyo with a list of about 30 Japanese, including those abducted by North Korea in the past.

Tokyo police wrestled with a black bull affected by white spots from the area around the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant on Friday as two cattle farmers launched a protest demanding help. The two have remained at the farms caring for their cows and those abandoned by others despite the risks involved.

A former US nuclear regulator says cleaning up Japan's wrecked Fukushima plant is a bigger challenge than the work he led in the US after the partial nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island plant in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in 1979.
