
Smart money

Sites for the entrepreneur in recession and retirement

This site tries to convince you that the greatest personal business opportunities begin during recessions. It shows that people forced into self-employment after being laid off tend to make the most successful entrepreneurs. Strategies for recovering, rebuilding savings and exploiting your skills to start a survival business are clearly laid out.


This site starts with the viewpoint that retirement is the beginning of a new career in almost anything you want to do. Tools on everything from the basics of a job search to rebuilding your network empower you to start a post-retirement life and career. It isn't a time to rest, but a chance to be active in something you care about, or a new career.


A site that started as the world's largest goal-setting community, helping anyone who wanted to initiate change, is now a support network for retirees changing their lives and careers. More than three million users list their goals and highlight their progress. Almost every possible personal, spiritual and business goal has been posted. We all go through life with a personal "to do" list of greater ambitions. If you share with the wired world you could find many others have the same dreams.
