
Natural remedies can be found on apps

It's hard to find a good app for natural remedies, but my determination has paid off. After several downloads, I found Home Natural Remedies, which scores highly. As you would expect of an app that is trying to provide people with solutions, it opens with a directory of health problems. Close to 200 of them, in fact.


It's hard to find a good app for natural remedies, but my determination has paid off. After several downloads, I found Home Natural Remedies, which scores highly. As you would expect of an app that is trying to provide people with solutions, it opens with a directory of health problems. Close to 200 of them, in fact.

The list ranges from abrasions to zits, with belching and toenail fungus falling in between. Click on the concern, and you get a list of possible cures, 
and not all of them are totally natural.

I was particularly interested in toenail fungus, as I know two people with this condition. The usual remedy is to either take a course of tablets daily for four months, which could also damage your liver, or apply a tincture for several months that may destroy the fungus.

One of the "natural" remedies listed in this app was the US mouthwash Listerine, but others included a slice of garlic under the toe overnight, oregano essential oil, or tea tree oil. The app provides a brief description of how to apply the remedy, and occasionally offers a little background. The lack of more complete information is why this app doesn't get top marks.

The second-best natural remedy app is The Herbalist. This opens with a directory that leads to a list of herbs, preparation methods, herbal glossary and a list of maladies. As the information about the herbs is comprehensive - Latin name and other common names, cautions, herbal actions - this would have been a top contender.

But, unfortunately, the list of maladies is short. A combination of the best of both apps would have been excellent.

Useless apps I came across included Medicinal Herbs, which is a list of herbs and their properties, and About Herbs, from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York City, which is similar. There is also Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies, which is a book on your iPhone that gives you an overview of how wonderful herbal remedies can be, but doesn't give you a remedy for any condition. So that is a fail.

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Holistic hints to help you heal