

Sally Brompton


Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
There's a luck factor working in your favour and it will get even better over the next few days, either through a creative project or a romantic affair. Ignore anything that restricts your enjoyment of life.


Taurus (Apr 21 - May 21)
An element of self-doubt will act as a brake on your ambitions. Are you as good as you think you are? Is it going to be as easy as you assume? These questions must be answered before you push ahead.


Gemini (May 22 - Jun 21)
People may say there is no such thing as free will, that everything is preordained, but that is often an excuse for antisocial behaviour. Someone may be trying to escape the consequences of their actions.


Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 23)
Do you respect someone for the kind of person they are or for the power they wield? Someone is abusing their authority and it seems they will get away with it. Unless, of course, you blow the whistle.


Leo (Jul 24 - Aug 23)
Go somewhere new, do something you've never done before. Above all, avoid anything of a routine nature. If you can contrive to take some time off work this would be the ideal moment to take a trip.


Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
You have been inclined to fear the worst recently. But from next week there will be respite from what is - let's face it - unwarranted concern. Just find a way to broaden your interests and your outlook.


Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
You will be flavour of the month with just about everyone this week. Enjoy it while you can because it won't last forever. Before the week is out more important things will have grabbed your attention.


Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
You'll impress employers with your can-do attitude but you'll impress them even more if you get on and complete routine tasks without being asked. Show willing and your reputation will soar.


Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)
You will start many things and won't care a bit if you finish only a fraction of them. What matters is you do whatever takes your fancy. Partners and colleagues will be in a forgiving mood. Take advantage of it.


Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 20)
There is every chance this week that emotions will outweigh facts, especially where family matters are concerned. But don't just make sacrifices for others; think of yourself, too.


Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
This week's new moon will help you to relax. No matter how many important things you have to take care of, you must make time for social activities. Being with happy people will make you feel happy, too.


Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
Despite the good things that will happen over the next 24 hours you'll still feel dissatisfied. Whatever the reason you must strive to keep your spirits high as it's only a passing phase.

