
Behind the label: True Faith

Abid Rahman

Founded last year, True Faith is the brainchild of Hong Kong-based, Korean-Swedish designer Patrick Kim-Gustafson. Kim-Gustafson created the label expressly to produce loud, proud and distinctly different menswear accessories using the highest quality pattern printing and materials. True Faith's focus is on pocket squares and scarves but it has also created special-edition watches using its unique prints in collaboration with David Ericsson, of Void Watches fame.

for the international flavour - Swedish designers working out of Hong Kong with digital printing carried out in South Korea. The pocket squares and scarves are young, hip and positive. We're also suckers for brands using electropop tunes for inspiration and branding.

the Kaobang scarf (below left; HK$1,200) is inspired by the song by French new-wave band Indochine and comes in a riot of colours in ordered polygon patterns. We're also keen on the yellow and black Bryllyant (below right; also HK$1,200), which takes its name from an electropop song by German band Boytronic.

True Faith is available at with free worldwide shipping.

