The courting of new Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, by Chinese corruption suspect Michael Ching Mo Yeung
EXCLUSIVE: How graft suspect Michael Ching allied himself with Canada's new leader, with the help of ex-minister Raymond Chan; pro-Trudeau political organisation was based in Ching's office, and Liberal special advisor Wang Ting Ting acted as a director

UPDATE: Michael Ching Mo Yeung has commenced legal proceedings against South China Morning Post in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Mr Ching alleges in his lawsuit that this article contains false and defamatory statements, and that the conduct of South China Morning Post and its reporter was malicious, reprehensible, high-handed, and blameworthy.
An investigation by the South China Morning Post has revealed how Chinese corruption suspect Michael Ching Mo Yeung manoeuvred himself and his daughter into the orbit of Justin Trudeau as he campaigned to become Canada's next prime minister, using a pro-Trudeau political group that was headquartered in Ching’s office.
Ching’s attempts to insert himself at the heart of Canadian federal politics were facilitated by his friend, former cabinet minister Raymond Chan, Liberal Party sources said. This was also supported by documents and numerous photographs obtained by the Post.
Click here to read the Chinese version of this story
One picture shows Ching, a Liberal member, lining up to vote at the party’s British Columbia convention in 2013, surrounded by members of the pro-Trudeau youth group dressed in red vests emblazoned with declarations of support for the Liberal party leader. Ching is also seen relaxing with Chan and his wife on the convention sidelines.