
And just in case you were wondering ...

What is ginseng? It's a root that was first found only in the wild in Korea, Japan, China and parts of the US and Canada. It's now cultivated.

What's it used for? Depending on where it's grown, it's considered to be heating, cooling or neutral. The different types are used in traditional Chinese medicine because it's believed they can adjust a body that's excessively yin or yang.

What are the different shapes? The best and most expensive is supposed to mimic the shape of the human body - with a head, torso and limbs. Ginseng is considered inferior if it's misshapen or if the head, torso and limbs aren't in proportion.

What are the different colours? Fresh ginseng is unprocessed. White ginseng is peeled and sun-dried. Red ginseng takes on its distinctive reddish-brown colour only after being steamed and sun-dried.

What are the claimed health benefits of ginseng? It's said to help diabetes, strengthen the brain, body and immune system, give energy and relieve stress.

What's so good about wild ginseng? Wild ginseng is said to have all the benefits of cultivated, but in more concentrated form - and the older the better. At auctions in South Korea, people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the oldest wild ginseng in hopes that it can cure an illness.
