
Develop your interest and get engaged in lessons

The new school year has started and to many students this is bad news. They think lessons

are boring.

I had similar feelings in the past, but things have changed now.

As a Form Four science student, I study additional mathematics. This is a wonderful subject which requires a lot of thinking. Solving the problems has made me realise that I shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes. Now I've found that I like the other subjects as well.

I want to encourage all students to do their best and never give up. You will discover that learning is not boring at all.


Carmel Secondary School Thanks for your letter, Joshua. And congratulations - it sounds as though things have really 'clicked' for you. You have made the crucial shift between sitting in class staring blankly at your teacher and being truly engaged.

Once you start participating in class and really listening, then things start getting interesting. And the more engaged and interested you are, the more interesting the class will be. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Boring people are easily bored. Interesting people always find something to be interested in.

You have made the leap with maths, and now that you appreciate the challenge that maths provides, you're able to push yourself in other subjects, too.

Kate, Editor
