
Until I Die

Until I Die
by Amy Plum
Little, Brown (e-book)

Amy Plum is a rising star in the dark but seductive world of paranormal romance, which fuses excitement, sensation, over-wrought emoting and lashings of hot love. The second part of a trilogy, Until I Die follows the blueprint refined by Twilight: Jane Eyre-ish heroine with pluck and brains meets moody, brooding youth with a secret (he is dead) - and transports it to Paris. In part one, Die for Me, Kate met Vincent, a revenant - French for handsome zombie/vampire. In Until I Die, she leaves her chic urban life to accompany Vincent and his band of merry undeads into a world beyond our ken. Kate is taught to fight by her flirtatious beau, leaves the sunny surface of Paris for its subterranean horrors, and tries to help Vincent et al to escape the seemingly endless cycle of death and rebirth that is their fate. But is she a help or a hindrance? And are Vincent's friends all that they seem? Plum's 21st-century gothic is written with spicy relish - about Paris, about food, about opera and, most often of all, about Vincent's good looks. A 'flirty wink' sets off butterflies - and not just in Kate, I will confess. But I warn you, there is a major surprise in store. Hankies at the ready.