
Make a display

I refer to the letter from Wong Doon-yee, for Commissioner of Police, headlined 'Drivers ignoring lights are prosecuted', which appeared in the South China Morning Post on March 30.

The writer gives the statistics that in the year 2000, police recorded 440 summonses and 24,722 fixed-penalty tickets for red-light offenders.

At first glance, these statistics sound impressive. I say at first glance.

Would your correspondent please respond with some more statistics?

How many traffic lights are there in Hong Kong?

Multiply this number of traffic lights by the number of 'light changes' in an hour, by day, week and so on for an entire year. It must come to a huge total.

The statistics of 440 summonses and 24,722 fixed-penalty tickets now seem insignificant.

The policy of 'making a display' of catching jay walkers has merit.

The same policy of 'making a display' of catching red-light offenders would also have as much, if not more, merit.


Tai Po