
Time management the key to good school life

It is not uncommon to see students with dark circles around their eyes - 'panda eyes' - when they go to school in the morning, or to find them falling asleep during class.

One of the reasons is HKCEE pressure. Students have to cope with a heavy workload. They attend tutorials after school and stay up late to study.

Another reason is the lack of self-discipline. Many students stay up all night talking on the phone or playing computer games.

At boarding school, there are three things students can do - study, socialise and sleep - but they only have time for two.

If they choose to study and sleep, they will end up loners and workaholics. If they choose socialising and sleeping, their grades will suffer. The only option left is to give up sleep, which is very unhealthy.

It's all about time management and self-discipline.

Winifred is a Young Post reporter from Li Po Chun United World College