

I refer to the letters from Rob Favole headlined 'American presidents have not tried to achieve world domination' and Marian Schneps headlined 'Life in a socialist state was light years away from utopian theory' (South China Morning Post, January 22 and 25, respectively), in response to my letter of January 18.

I am afraid Mr Favole misread some points in my letter. I did not 'demean' the contribution of America in World War II, but simply wanted to deny the claim by Roy Prouse (Post, January 13) that the US 'defeated' Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. The Allies fought side by side when America entered the war more than two years after Asia and Europe had been devastated by bombings such as the US has never experienced. Many nations besides America fought through those final years.

Mr Favole also misread my remarks on America's world domination. I was referring to what happened after, not during, the war. In his book, The Crimes of a President, American writer Joel Bainerman points the finger at George Bush Snr, along with others of his background, who, he claims, planned world economic domination. Anti-socialist paranoia reigned at that time and any elected president in any country who talked about social reforms was subject to coups organised by terrorists trained in the School of the Americas at Fort Benning. Democracies were overthrown and dictatorships set up, the most notorious one being Chile under Augusto Pinochet.

Mr Favole asks for evidence. There is plenty of that in books by writers of conscience, such as Rogue State, by William Blum, The Praetorian Guard, by a former CIA director, John Stockwell, School of Assassins (referring to the School of the Americas), by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, and scores of others I could name. These books serve to confirm reports that appeared in the foreign, rather than the US, press. It was Ronald Reagan who learned how to control what went into the American press, as investigative American journalist Mark Hertsguaad reveals in his book, On Bended Knee.

Mr Favole says some nations will not negotiate unless there is a real threat. Their attitude is not surprising. They are tired of colonialism, of the arrogance of the West telling them how to run their countries, and controlling their resources and governments.

Genuine negotiations for justice for the Palestinians and others who have become victims of foreign domination, could result in steps towards peace in the world. The danger is that failure by the United Nations to act fairly or in time may have resulted in hatred that can never be erased from the minds of the people of the aggrieved countries.

I cannot disagree with Ms Schneps' letter, though I do wish to clarify one point.

I do not 'believe strongly' in the socialist systems she describes and though I once did support the British Labour Party, I have lost faith in the party in recent years, especially since it has joined the ranks of corporate America. I do not believe that any political party can result in a utopia, though there is a viable middle way. Capitalism has run riot, in the US especially and should be required, if necessary by legislation, to ensure profits filter down so everyone benefits. Workers, on the other hand, should be required by law not to make unreasonable demands that damage the livelihood of the whole nation. There is far too much selfishness on both sides in what is called 'democracy' today.

Your correspondent seems to have hope for China and I share the hope that the country will continue to find that middle road leading to a fairer system for all. That needs time. Western 'democracies' took hundreds of years to develop, but they have been ruined by the greed for colonial domination and by the ambitions of politicians struggling for power.

I agree China could assist North Korea and this is happening, not only in North Korea but in other Asian nations trying to find their feet after discarding colonialism.

Economic colonialism since World War II has hindered newly developing countries, with these colonialists using threats of force to impose their own system on the world.


Kwun Tong