
Deciphering the colour code

According to www.colour, colour is used to balance and enhance the body's energy centres, and help stimulate the body's healing process.

Colour is used to re-balance the body's seven chakras (energy centres), which may have become depleted of energy. 'Each of the seven colours of the spectrum resonates with one of the main chakras of the body,' according to the site.

'Colour has a profound effect on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If our energy centres become blocked or depleted, then our body cannot function properly and this, in turn, can lead to a variety of problems.'

According to the Aura-soma system, each Equilibrium bottle contains two fractions: an oily one resting on a watery one. The upper fraction contains the essential oils and crystal energies, while the lower contains herbal extracts, crystals, gem elixirs, and water from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury.

For example, these colours are used for certain ailments and complaints:

Equilibrium bottle #1, blue over deep magenta, is used for pain.

Equilibrium bottle #3, blue over green, is for heart issues.

Equilibrium Bottle #26, orange over orange, is for shock or trauma.