
Top Tips: Spray it with love, use mineral water

While some women spend a lot of time and money on skin care, Hong Kong actress Catherine Hung Yan has a simple, inexpensive beauty routine.

'Instead of using tap water, I clean my face with Evian mineral water every day. People think, 'Oh, it must be a very luxurious habit since you pay almost nothing for tap water', but [mineral water spray] is really not that expensive,' she says.

'I don't have facials and have saved a lot of money. Besides, a bottle of water spray only costs a few dollars and the maximum you can possibly use each month is a bottle or two, so it is really [inexpensive].

'If I am travelling to a place that doesn't have the spray I use, then I use [other kinds of] mineral water.

'Mineral water is cleaner than tap water which contains chemicals that [can] dry up your skin. And mineral water works especially well with my sensitive skin. It doesn't matter if it's distilled or mineral water.

'Also, I use cotton pads instead of towels when I clean my face because cotton is a lot softer and I can throw the used cotton away, whereas germs build up on towels.

'All you need to do is to spray some water on a piece of cotton every time you clean your face. I have stuck to this habit for more than 10 years now.

'I travel a lot. Cotton and water spray are the two must-haves for me. I know exactly the amount that I need even for a two-month trip.

'Another thing I learned when I was a child is to add a small pinch of salt to a glass of water and drink it in the morning. It helps to cleanse my body and after a long night of sleep, it helps to replenish the sodium that my body needs. But remember not to put too much salt in, just a pinch will do.'