
More should be done to deter drug use

Young people are easily tempted by drugs since they are not yet mature enough to make sensible decisions. Unfortunately, once they're addicted, it's hard to quit.

Parents should take the lead in tackling this problem. Their love and concern will help prevent teenagers from taking drugs. Very often, parents are too busy making a living to take good care of their children. Parents should spend more time with their children and steer them away from drugs.

Schools should also play a role. As prevention is better than a cure, schools must educate students to avoid drugs by holding more talks and lessons on the impact of drug abuse. This way, juveniles will be discouraged from experimenting with drugs.

Lastly, the government should adopt stricter measures against drug abuse by teenagers.

Hui Yuen-ting, CCC Heep Woh College

From the Editor

Thanks for the letter, Yuen-ting. Drug abuse is definitely on the rise in Hong Kong and it is a serious problem.

Much is already being done to educate youths about the dangers of drugs. It appears not to be the solution as many children are fully aware of the risks yet are prepared to waste their lives anyway. This is extremely sad.

Some people believe the drug problem can be tackled in a different manner, such as stronger policing at the borders and offering youngsters other choices of entertainment instead of the discos and clubs where they can come into contact with drugs.

It is interesting to see you want tougher measures against drug abusers. What do our readers think?

Susan, Editor