
Keep your memories safe

My computer recently suffered a virus attack and all my files disappeared. I was really angry and sad because four years of photos are gone. I now realise the importance of saving photos on a CD or printing them out.

Those photos contain many memories from Form One to Form Four. They document my growing up and how I've changed. And, most importantly, they show what I have been through. The photos were valuable and nothing can replace them.

Photos hold precious memories. Please ensure your photos are kept safely so you will not suffer the sorrow I did.

Audrey Tsang, SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School

From the Editor

Thanks for your letter, Audrey. Photos and documents are hugely important. They keep our memories and act as proof of our achievements. You're quite right when you say photos are valuable and cannot be replaced.

There are two ways around this problem. The first is to have space on the internet to store your photos and documents. Many websites like Kodak and Flicker allow you to upload your photos for free. This hopefully means that they will never be destroyed. Also, it's a good idea to make back-ups on CDs. This way there should always be a way of accessing those vital documents in future.

Susan, Editor