
Red, the colour of positive energy and clearly the source of much hot air

Red isn't just an auspicious colour; it has the power to boost positive energy, too. That's what reiki master Decen Wong Kim-man (standing) suggested at the launch of Shu Uemura's latest skin product, red:juventus. The new product is supposedly made with 'Asian phyto-red secrets' that were kept hidden for centuries. 'Wearing something red can help enhance the positive energy in a person,' she said.

We're not sure what's more suspicious: new-agey alternative healing practices or the miracle claims of beauty brands. Anyway, at the Thursday afternoon launch at Harbour Grand's Le 188? Restaurant, Wong offered an example of her spiritual practice on model Marie Zhuge (seated, left), helping to enhance her positive energy flow. 'It was totally amazing. I could feel air flowing around my body,' the model extolled. But how about the air flowing through her head?

Yes, it all sounds like Japanese fung shui. Wong said more and more people are coming to her for therapy, especially since all the public health crises and the economic crash.

To rejuvenate overworked skin, you now know what serum the reiki master would suggest. Although we think that if you're truly centred in spirit, you wouldn't be vain about your appearance.