
If only Canto-pop stars would take a leaf out of karaoke book

Canto-pop has become an oxymoron. Take away the ridiculous costumes, stage sets and scantily clad dancers, and today's stars sound little different from karaoke connoisseurs across the city on any given night. Some devotees of the music machine at least try to improve their skill. The same can hardly be said of our pop singers, who are more interested in speculating in property and fighting over lucrative contracts to become sponsors of dodgy consumer projects.

Neway, the karaoke chain, is helping devotees serious about music to better themselves. It is partnering - I'm not joking - with a music school to offer singing lessons. 'Many of our clients feel frustrated,' a branch manager in Causeway Bay said. 'They can do perfect imitations of their idols, but they want to reach the next level. That's not easy; it takes skill. We hope to offer proper music lessons so our clients can sing even better.'

If only our Canto-pop stars would take some lessons themselves.