
Hitachi’s elevators and escalators take Asia to even higher levels

Putting a premium on research and development of elevators and escalators, Hitachi designs have new control

systems that reduce waiting time

James Lee, managing director

Country Business Reports interviews and articles by Discovery Reports

Towering over Guangdong’s main business hub at 111 storeys, the Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre is among China’s modern architectural marvels. But even more amazing is one of the building’s elevators, reputed to be one of the fastest in the world, which operates at 72 km/h with speed recorded 75.6km/h in speed tests. Behind the skyscraper’s famous lift is Hitachi, the leading Japanese innovator in customised vertical transport.

The acclaimed elevators and escalator giant has maintained a strong track record of infusing its products with innovation, high quality, comfort, reliability and
safety in all stages of product development – from design to support services.

“While most buildings look the same on the outside, their elevator design requirements are very different,” says James Lee, managing director of Hitachi Elevator Asia. “We don’t mass-produce elevators; we customise them to each building’s needs.”

Putting a premium on research and development of elevators and escalators, Hitachi designs with new control systems that reduce waiting time, along with human-friendly designs, imaging sensing technologies and green technologies.

The image Attentive Sensor installed at the entry point of escalators is particularly helpful in making escalators more accessible to the ageing population. This system detects the speed at which each person walks, automatically slowing the escalator to ensure a smooth and safe ride for the elderly.

Supported by experienced specialists, Hitachi Elevator Asia continues to provide the same seamless installation, comprehensive servicing and a cost-effective modernisation programme that it has been known for since its founding in 1972. Developing sustainable smart elevators and honing technicians with the right information technology acumen align with its legacy.

“Although technology advances very fast, until now there is no destructive technology to replace the lift,” Lee says. “For us, the only way is up.”