Lifestyle/ Family & Relationships

HK$142,000 raised to rebuild schools in earthquake-devastated Nepal

ICHK Hong Lok Yuen principal Ruth Woodward with fundraising students.

Dress-down day raises funds to build new schools in Nepal

ICHK Hong Lok Yuen has raised HK$142,000 towards building new schools in Nepal, which was hit by two devastating earthquakes.

Parents, staff and students raised more than HK$100,000 in just one day. Students held a dress-down day, giving cash donations to wear their own clothes to school.

The Tai Po school is working with construction firm Abari, which has teams in Nepal and builds schools out of bamboo, which is earthquake resilient. In the short term, donations are being used to build transitional tented schools in some of the worst-affected villages, using treated cotton and local bamboo.

From June onwards, work will begin on permanent school buildings, after discussions with local villagers about the best type of project.