Hong Kong

Video: How Bruce Lee learned to fight

Ip Chun, son of Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man, recalls how his father taught Bruce Lee all he needed to get started in martial arts

Ip Man with Bruce Lee


The son of the martial arts grandmaster who first taught Bruce Lee how to fight spoke to the South China Morning Post ahead of the 40th anniversary of the star's death this week about his memories of the two men.

Ip Chin, is the son of Ip Man and runs the Wing Chun Athletic Association in Prince Edward, Hong Kong. He recalled how the young Bruce Lee was a student of Ip Man, who "said he worked very hard". 

He added: "Bruce Lee taught Wing Chun when he arrived in America. You can say it was Wing Chun that made Bruce Lee famous. After Bruce Lee was famous he spread Wing Chun and made it famous."

See the rest of the interview below