Hong Kong

Hong Kong is solely China’s policy, according to what Theresa May told Donald Trump

British prime minister told President Trump in response to his new policy initiatives that the United States is responsible for US policy on refugees

Donald Trump has caused considerable controversy since coming to power. Photo: AFP

It is imperative that the United States remove the Statue of Liberty until such time as Donald Trump is either impeached as president or dumped at the next election.

For over a century the statue has shone as a towering beacon of everything that is good about the country. It is the soul of America. There can be no greater insult to this icon than to have it standing while the morally corrupt Trump is president.

As a loyal American, it distresses me to say my president is a disgrace to the office he holds. I never thought the day would come when the country founded on equality would deport or incarcerate people solely for their religion or place of origin.

Not only must the liberty goddess go, the State Department’s annual report that attacks countries for human rights abuses must go too. The Trump administration has no moral authority to criticise world behaviour.

Morality is clearly not a trait of British Prime Minister Theresa May, who behaved like Trump’s lapdog by refusing to join world leaders in condemning his Muslim ban. Her exact words were: “The United States is responsible for United States policy on refugees. The UK is responsible for UK policy on refugees.”

That astonishing statement is a blank cheque for every country to do as it pleases. China is responsible for its policy on Hong Kong. Former governor Chris Patten, please shut up. North Korea is responsible for its nuclear policy. The US, Japan, and South Korea must accept that. Burma is responsible for its human rights record. No one must interfere.

I can’t help wondering if former chief secretary Anson Chan Fang On-sang has buyer’s remorse. Didn’t she gush with pride after Republican Party buddies invited her to Trump’s inauguration? She even hoped to discuss Hong Kong with the president. She has been mute since the inauguration. Sorry, Mrs Chan, but Hong Kong is China’s business. The British prime minister in essence said that.

And what about self-proclaimed democracy crusaders such as Joshua Wong Chi-fung, who make regular pilgrimages to the US to seek support for their cause? Will they still want democratic help from an administration led by a bigot and a self-confessed sexual groper who has now imposed a religious test on people entering the country? Just wondering.