
  • Katrin Jakobsdottir, who stepped down as prime minister to run for president, is neck-and-neck in polls with equality advocate Halla Tomasdottir
  • Iceland has the smallest measured gender gap in the world and a strong history of female empowerment

The new outburst happened as another eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula recently ended after spewing fountains of molten rock for almost eight weeks.

After years of negotiations to join Europe’s ID-check-free travel zone, there is now free access for travellers arriving by air or sea from both countries, marking new step in countries’ integration with the EU.


Lyusya Shtein found guilty of spreading ‘war fakes’ over 2022 post on X that accused Russian soldiers captured by Ukraine of bombing foreign cities, Russian media reported.

For the second time in four weeks, a volcano has erupted in Iceland, with lava this time reaching a coastal town and setting houses on fire.

A volcanic eruption started Monday night on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula, turning the sky orange and prompting the country’s civil defence to be on high alert.

‘There was a panic situation’ at Blue Lagoon Iceland spa, taxi driver says, as guests fled one of the country’s biggest tourist attractions, fearing a rash of earthquakes presaged a volcanic eruption.

Tuesday’s walkout, under the slogan “Do you call this equality?” is being billed as the biggest since Iceland’s first such event in 1975, when 90 per cent of women refused to work, clean or look after children.


Local media footage shows a massive cloud of smoke rising from the ground as well as a substantial flow of lava at the site around 30km from Reykjavik. Icelandic authorities advised against going to the site.

Iceland took the top position for the 14th year – having closed 91.2 per cent of its overall gender gap – while the US dropped to 43rd on the list, down from 27th last year.


Animal rights groups and environmentalists hailed the decision, with the Humane Society International calling it ‘a major milestone in compassionate whale conservation’.

The British PM is travelling to Iceland on Tuesday for a Council of Europe summit and then to Japan for a G7 meeting on Friday. He will also press allies to counter hostile states using ‘economic coercion’ – an oblique reference to China.


In March last year, 7 Western members suspended their participation in the intergovernmental body in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and important research work was put on hold.


Chill out at these icy escapes in Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Alaska and Antarctica, where you can feel the call of the wild while being assured of their ongoing efforts towards sustainable status

Iceland is ranked as one of the world’s most progressive nations in terms of LGBTQ rights, but the unusual form of abuse raised fears of an upswing in homophobic and transphobic sentiment.


Rob Bauer, chair of Nato’s Military Committee, confronted He Rulong, China’s ambassador to Iceland, over China’s failure to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Tourists and spectators warned to stay away, ‘code red’ declared for planes, as Fagradalsfjall volcano in southwestern Iceland erupts.


Government of the Danish territory says a reduced yearly catch limit of 500 white-sided dolphins has been provisionally proposed by Ministry of Fisheries.


Demand for Icelandic whale meat has decreased dramatically since Japan – Iceland’s main market, especially for fin whale meat – returned to commercial whaling in 2019.
