
  • How you behave in a sport or game says a lot about you as a person, and mahjong is no exception. Players are expected to be gracious and play fair
  • Maintain a reputation as a decent player, and person, by not peeking at your opponents’ tiles, gloating about a win or invoking superstitions for your advantage

Mahjong is played according to different rules depending where you go in China, and the world. Some have different scoring systems, others different tiles. We take a look at how five versions differ.


In the game of mahjong there are plenty of dos and even more don’ts – we take a look at four taboos to be aware of when playing, among them why bringing a book to the table is a bad idea.


What are the simplest ways to win mahjong? We take a look at how to figure out the strategies of the other players, how to keep them from winning and what sort of mind games you can play.

Mahjong is all about tactics, cunning and strategy – on top of pure luck – and you had better learn how to walk before you run. Here are the basics of how to play and win the Chinese tabletop tile game.
