The Post remains dedicated to covering the pressing issues that shape Hong Kong and the world. Photo: Martin Chan

Introducing the South China Morning Post’s new digital subscription plans

  • Help safeguard the journalism that the world deserves and celebrate the unique voices of Hong Kong and Asia across the world

Dear Hong Kong readers,

The South China Morning Post has proudly reported on Hong Kong and been this city’s newspaper of record for over 116 years. In moments of triumph and tribulation, we have covered the stories that have defined, changed and celebrated our home.

We were here to chronicle Hong Kong’s evolution as a trade port, the fall of the Qing dynasty, the Japanese invasion during World War II, the Chinese civil war, the riots in 1967, the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the 1997 handover, the Manila hostage crisis, Sars, Occupy Central, the extradition bill protests of 2019 and, most recently, the Covid-19 outbreak and the promulgation of a national security law. We have also celebrated many Hongkongers who have served this city throughout its history: from Sir Robert Hotung and Sir Run Run Shaw, to our first Olympic gold medallist Lee Lai-shan, to the property tycoons who sculpted Hong Kong’s skyline and the many leading lights of our entertainment industry such as Bruce Lee and Anita Mui.

Today, in these unprecedented times, we remain dedicated to covering the pressing issues that shape our city and our world, with the journalism that Hongkongers deserve. Over recent years, we have increased our investment in the newsroom to expand our coverage and enrich your reading experience across all platforms.

That said, comprehensive reporting is costly and the century-old advertising model is no longer enough to sustain high-quality news. SCMP’s commitment to journalism means that this model must evolve and our business must align with our greatest accountability: to serve our readers with uncompromising truth. So, we are asking for your support to help safeguard the journalism that the world deserves and the future of the South China Morning Post.

In August, we will be launching a digital subscription service, rolling out to all markets over several months. Readers can continue to view several stories for free each month before joining SCMP as a subscriber. The benefits for subscription include unlimited access to SCMP’s award-winning news reporting and opinions, along with the in-depth analysis and investigative journalism that lead the global conversation about China. Subscribers will also have access to personalisation features across our platforms that enhance your reading and discovery experience, along with privileged access to SCMP’s virtual and in-person events.

With this launch, our commitment to public service remains unchanged, so all news and information critical to community health and safety will still be freely accessible.

The South China Morning Post will always belong to Hong Kong and belong to you, our readers. We hope that you will support the continuation of our mission, which is ever-more important for this city and for the world.

With deep gratitude,

Tammy Tam

SCMP Editor-in-Chief