DISGRUNTLED shopkeepers from a Sheung Shui estate shopping and market complex took to the streets yesterday to protest against proposed rent increases they say will force many of them out of business.
The Tin Ping Shopping Centre and Market tenants also complained that the estate's run-down facilities were driving customers away.
Eleven tenants aired their grievances at the Tin Ping Estate Office at a meeting arranged by Democratic Party legislator Tik Chi-yuen.
Tenants representative, vegetable seller Tang Kwai-fat, called for a rent freeze, arguing that traders could not afford the proposed 17 per cent to 34 per cent rent increases for next year.
Mr Tang, who is paying $3,100 a month for his vegetable stall, said the lack of air-conditioning and shelter was driving customers to more comfortable shopping centres nearby.
The acting housing manager at Tin Ping Estate, Leung Wing-hang, said the rent increases assessed by estate surveyors was fair and based on the market rate.