Put on a brave face and drive off bullies
There are bullies in every school and the bullying victims we hear about are only the tip of the iceberg. We cannot imagine the actual numbers.
Bullying can have far-reaching consequences. It can put victims in a constant state of fear even when they grow up.
If you witness bullying, you should tell a trusted adult, such as your parents or teachers. If you are scared to tell your teachers, you can send them an e-mail instead of meeting face to face.
If you are a victim, try to ignore the bully and move away. This is not a cowardly response. When you meet the bullies or if they are bullying you, do not cry. Bullies thrive on the reaction they get. They might pick on you because they think you are frightened. If you show you are not afraid of them, they may not target you any more.
Some bullies target children who are on their own, thinking they are more vulnerable. So victims should try to stay with their friends as much as possible.