I REFER to the editorial and subsequent correspondence on the 'men only' room at the Jockey Club.
Whilst this issue may appear not to interest or affect the majority of Hong Kong people, who are not in a position to belong to either the Jockey Club or, indeed, any of the other elite clubs on offer, it does raise questions about the current attitudes of Hong Kong's 'elite', whose lifestyles and values, many 'ordinary' Hong Kongers may wish to emulate.
If these well-educated and privileged individuals continue to pursue obviously sexist policies, what sort of message are they sending out to the rest of Hong Kong? That women are second-class citizens, unable to control themselves (or their voices) in public? Whilst this level of prejudice and stereotyping exists in the higher echelons, there is little hope that the rest of Hong Kong society will achieve equality of the sexes in the foreseeable future.