HERE at Business Post we love getting readers' letters. It's not necessary to offer us US$200,000. We read them all.
A chap, who unfortunately we can't name, has written to us with a unique business proposition. He's trying to sell an overseas property, which he reckons is worth about US$3 million.
'Needless to say, I haven't been very lucky so far with the sale,' he says, rather mournfully.
'Anyway, having worked for two US magnates and a respected Middle East monarch, I am versed with the potential effectiveness of a strictly confidential, highly discreet and untraceable cash brokerage fee article in the case of the XXXX [name of development] I have earmarked US$200,000 payable from proceeds of the sale of US$3 million.' Basically, if we can assist him in flogging off his property the $200,000 is ours.
He finishes off: 'Obviously, I would not be concerned how the commission is split at your end.' Unfortunately, the nearest thing to a sales job that Lai See has ever held is acting as Santa Claus in a department store over Christmas.
Somehow we think that he's wanting someone a bit more hard-nosed than this.