THE Housing Society has promised to surrender part of its autonomy by allowing four government officials to sit on its governing body.
The move follows South China Morning Post reports about the society's lack of accountability.
The society has agreed with the Government on the new composition of board membership, and the new make-up can be expected later this year at the earliest.
The four officials to be invited are: Secretary for Housing, Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands, Director of Lands, and Director of Planning.
The ex-officio representatives are expected to attend society meetings and report back to the Legislative Council, as a means of indirect public monitoring, according to the society.
Secretary for Housing, Dominic Wong Shing-wah, and Director of Lands, Robert Pope, are already executive committee members, but like the other 17 members, serving in their personal capacities only.
Concern over the society's accountability arose after the Post disclosed at least four members had interests in firms doing business with the society. The society argued there was a system to require members to declare interests, only not publicly.