CAN anyone out there find a supply of green safety helmets? Democratic Party chief Martin Lee Chu-ming's been forced to drop the idea of getting a hard hat in his party's colour and buy one in white instead.
He could probably have got one in standard building-site yellow, but might have been mistaken for a politician from the opposing camp.
On the other hand, that might have been the solution to his problem. He's only been in the market for helmets since an incident in a North Point estate last Saturday when someone hurled a glass bottle at his campaign car. Luckily no one was hurt.
It was probably no more than an environmentalist with a particularly strong objection to noise-pollution, but the Democrats are taking no chances.
When Mr Lee hits the loudhailers again this weekend, it'll be in an open-topped car. Safety hats will be de rigueur for trips through North Point's leftist strongholds.
ONLY because we know nervous Democrats already have their hats do we feel free to pass on the following Boundaries and Election Commission (BEC) announcement, which we found stuffed into the From the Corridors pigeonhole yesterday.
'Hatters and milliners are invited to tender for three-day contract decorating hard hats in party colours for nervous politicians. Must be able to start immediately and maintain costs within bounds dictated by official campaign fund limits.