HONG Kong's unit trust industry is poised for strong growth next year.
New marketing strategies will aim to encourage more investors to take a look at the potential of the 1,000-plus authorised funds in Hong Kong.
Major banks such as the HSBC Group and Citibank have started selling unit trusts at their branches, thus making these financial products more accessible.
This should help to increase the number of people investing in funds. Currently only four per cent of investors are into unit trusts.
'Banks are becoming much more aware of the unit trust market. The four per cent who invest in unit trusts in Hong Kong tend to be mainly more experienced investors and I think a lot of people still tend to be intimidated by them,' said HSBC Life's divisional director, Angus Woolhouse.
'By making it possible for people to just visit their local bank branch, we are making them much more available to people who, traditionally, have not used unit trusts before.