POLICE Commissioner Eddie Hui Ki-on admitted yesterday the loss of many of his most senior officers before 1997 would hit the force.
And he agreed to consider polling junior officers to see how many were planning to leave the force before that date.
Facing tough questioning from the Legislative Council's security panel yesterday, Mr Hui said he would consider a second survey of officers above the rank of inspector on whether they intended to stay.
The first survey showed nearly half of the officers at the senior and chief superintendent ranks were unsure about the future or planning to leave.
If another survey were undertaken, it might be confidential - or limited to noting only ranks or squads. There was concern the first poll was flawed and some officers were not candid because they had to identify themselves.
A big pool of officers was available to fill vacancies in higher ranks, but many had qualified through length of service rather than quality of service, Mr Hui said.