THE audience gathered for the Hongkong Fashion Designers' Association (HKFDA) show, to be held on the first evening of Fashion Week '93, will be seeing red.
''It represents the celebration of events and festivals in the Chinese calendar as well as the celebration between East and West,'' said show producer Dennis Phang.
It's also par for the course. No HKFDA spectacular is complete without a theme, and this year it's China and the Middle Kingdom's favourite colour.
How Ika Bouton, Flora Cheong-leen, Polly Kam, Walter Ma, William Tang, Florence Tse, Rowena U and the three Yeungs - Benny, Kevin and Leo - meet the challenge remains to be seen, but certain directions can be revealed.
''Designs promise to be more eclectic than ever, with inspiration ranging from traditional Chinese styling and motifs, to hippies of the 1960s, recycling and motherhood,'' says the Trade Development Council, organiser of the annual binge at the Conventional and Exhibition Centre.
As in past years, the trade-only fair, from January 14-17, will feature attractions like the knitwear show and culminate with the exciting young designers' show.