I HAVE long been a user of Lotus AmiPro 3.0 and have just bought a machine with Microsoft Word 7.0 bundled. I noticed that there is no filter for converting my old files to the newer software. Can you help? NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED Microsoft has indeed slipped up on this one, according Michael Aldridge of the firm's local office. Your copy of Word 7.0 is just fine.
All is not lost for you if you use the Internet, CompuServe or Microsoft Network. An AmiPro to Word 7.0 (and vice-versa) converter is available on-line.
I HAVE some querries about how Windows uses the random access memory. My PC at home (a 486DX4) has four megabytes and I am using Windows 3.1. At the DOS prompt, I invoked the MEM command and it showed me that the largest free executable program size was 594,570 bytes. I then open up Windows and clicked on Netscape.
I would like to know how Windows allocates memory for Netscape since the NETSCAPE.EXE file is 1,187,744 bytes, which is more than the largest free executable program.
Does it consume all the remaining RAM and use the Windows swap file where it gets additional bytes from the hard disk? If I upgrade my PC to eight MB, will my Netscape application be faster or just the same? Can I download files faster? I am using a 14.4-Kbps fax-modem.
WILLE BANDONG Tsuen Wan To borrow from Bill Gates, the master himself, an IBM PC had one xmegabyte of logical address space. However, 384Kb of this was assigned to special purposes, leaving 640Kb of memory available, which is where the 640K barrier came from.