IT was touch and go whether the new campus would open on time.
The college's relocation began on September 15 last year but there was a problem - the occupation permit - and it was not until a week later that the move to the new campus was complete, just days before classes opened on October 2.
Two problems hindered the schedule.
'There was a problem at the beginning when the site was handed over to the college for construction to start because graves and cottages had not been cleared in time and then heavy rain from June to August last year disrupted the schedule,' estates officer Chin Hoi-fun said.
In early 1992, architects P & T won a competition to design the campus and, after the master plan had been accepted by the college, senior staff and various user groups met to discuss the allocation of space within the buildings.
The cut-off stage for changes was June 1993 and the contract for the building's construction was made in January 1994, allowing less than two years for completion.