THE Shanghai Maritime Transport Administration has sent over 1,580 seamen to work overseas in the past decade, earning a return of more than US$12 million.
The administration, which started the overseas crewing service in 1979, has nearly 200 ships and over 15,000 qualified seamen.
Singapore cargo up SEABORNE cargo volume handled by the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) in the first 10 months of last year was 105.7 million tonnes, up 14.3 per cent from the 1991 period.
In its monthly newsletter the PSA said general cargo handled in the period rose 15 per cent from a year earlier to 101.7 million tonnes.
Contracts for Singmarine A SUBSIDIARY of Singmarine Industries Aluminium Craft (88), has won ship-building and repair contracts worth about S$7.5 million (HK$33.5 million).
The subsidiary will build two passenger ferries for PenguinBoat Services and has begun refitting a 28-metre yacht.